Shaw Sun

RRT, RRT-connect and RRT* in Path Planning

In my first post on robotics path planning, we have discussed the graph search algorithms. As we mentioned in that post that the common approaches we have for path planning are various: Bug alg...

IoT Weather Station with ESP32 and BME280

In this article, I will outline the process of using the BME280 sensor module with the ESP32 as the motherboard to read temperature and humidity. At the same time, retrieve local weather using Open...

Inverse Kinematics

Robot Kinematics: Goal: Given the structure of robot arm, we can compute Forward Kinematics: inferring the pose of the end-effector, given the state of each joint. Inverse Kinem...

Fourier Series and Fourier Transform

Fourier Transform is everywhere in the engineering world, and it is always good to understand the tools in your hand. This post is about to answer the following questions: What is Fourier Series...

Forward Kinematics

Robot Kinematics: Goal: Given the structure of robot arm, we can compute Forward Kinematics: inferring the pose of the end-effector, given the state of each joint. Inverse Kinem...

Amplification (OPAMP) and Digitization (ADC)

Two questions we would discuss in this post: When the sensors are working and sending out signals, in general, the signals from the sensors do not have suitable characteristic for display for an...

Linear Algebra Refresher

In Robotics, each part of the robot’s body might has its own coordinate system. Matrix transformations are used to transform coordinate systems between the bodies and joints. And here is where line...

Piezoelectric Sensors

Piezoelectric Effect Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. The word Piezoelectric is derived from the Gre...

Inductive Sensors

Electromagnetic Induction Electromagnetic induction: We know that a current flowing in a wire would produce a magnetic field. To increase the measurable effect of the field we can spin the wire in...

PID Control

Motivation The importance of control system is apparent. The control systems are everywhere in our life: when we want the air conditioner keeps the room temperature at 70F, when we want the fridge ...