After tried the templates from HTML5UP and got confused with most of the fancy css settings, I gave up on writing progress with my learning very quickly.
Then I got inspired by two blogs and decided to build a new one. One is Andrej Karpathy’s website, where he mentioned not using heavy frameworks and just focusing on the content. Then I learned how to use Jekyll to generate everything, especially since it supports Markdown. Another was when I tried to use WeChat in docker, I came across Lei Mao’s blog and got inspired. His blog is so inclusive, from his research, work, and personal life. I think his content was amazing, it was so enjoyable to read, and I want to do something similar.
Thanks to Tim and his fantastic tutorial on how to build a website with Jekyll. Here is his Youtube video and Doc that is super helpful. Following his tutorial and working on Ubuntu 20.04 with no issues.